Thursday, April 5, 2012


(for contest rules visit: CONTEST RULES)

Today's Daily Prize: Any Kindle fantasy book you'd like!

Today's Treasure Hunt Challenge
: Go to my BOOKS section of my blog and find the STARSIGHT II book on that page. Click on the EXCERPT link and read the excerpt. QUESTION: What kind of creature is the Mourna? MAKE SURE TO EMAIL YOUR ANSWER TO: - Good luck!

Today's Daily Question
: How old is Joshan in the beginning of the book? EMAIL YOUR ANSWER TO: - Good luck!

Study the map below - If this were your world, where do you think you'd like to live?


Below are a few of the definitions and models from the book that have to do with the empirical side of the hierarchy of the Imperium. I think you can get a pretty good idea of how the world works between this entry and tomorrow's, which will talk about the Starguiders and their society.  You will note that there are several references to the legal side of the society here. There is a very good reason for this; one of our heroes must face the Last Defense to fight for life.
IMPERIUM - A number of provinces and the religious sanctuary of  Mathisma, a large island to the east of the mainland provinces, both ruled by a combined supreme authority, the Empire on the one side and Assemblage on the other. Governance of the provinces and Mathisma is split into two ruling bodies. The provinces are chiefly run by the Emperor/Empress who oversees the Councils of Trade & Justice, which administer trade, security, and law. Mathisma is chiefly run by Assemblage, which governs religion, the arts, and education. The Northern Wastes and several smaller islands are not incorporated or protected by the Imperium. 


The Imperium is broken down into two sections, the Emperor and his Councils and Assemblage. Below is a brief description of how each is broken into a chain of command:


(Imperial Guards & Fleet*)

Councils of Trade & Justice

Province Baron

Province Regent

Starguider - 1st, 2nd & 3rd Trial


Both Councils have twelve members each. They can only over-rule the Emperor’s decision by unanimous vote, and only as relates to rulings regarding their respective responsibilities (justice and trade). In contrast to this, the Provost can only over-rule the Prelacy in matters where they are deadlocked on a decision. The Prelate merely acts as an emissary between the Provost and the Prelacy, and has very little power beyond his or her status as a member of the Prelacy. The Prelacy has twelve members as well.
The Emperor/Empress or the Councils can only make decisions on laws governing secular matters; the Assemblage only on matters of religion, education, or ethics. Assemblage, by long standing law, did not get involved in the imperial wars or military actions, except as advisors. However, should an attack occur against the Assemblage itself, they would engage in retaliatory activities in conjunction with the emperor, such as the first war with Sirdar. *Note: The Imperial Fleet and the Guard are directly under the Emperor during times of war. At all other times they are technically under the Councils. However, both the fleet and the guard are fairly independent.
The hierarchy had remained as above for approximately 950 seasons until the Starsight reorganized the government during his reign.

Elite Guard - The emperor's personal guard. They see to the protection of the imperial family and the security of the Keep. They handle most of the duties for running the Keep on a daily basis. Only the most experienced guards are promoted to the Elite and only by the hand of the emperor.

First Prince or Princess - First born of the emperor or empress and heir to the throne of the Imperium. 

The Hold - The prison located in the lower three levels of the Keep on the eastern side toward the sea.

Immunity Sanction – Security clearance.

Last Defense - The trial of an accused criminal where he or she is allowed to offer their last defense against accusations and present evidence before sentence is carried out. Somewhat like our appeal process. Usually, before anyone is accused and brought before Last Defense; investigations, interviews, and evidence are meticulously gathered and evaluated by the Council of Justice. If someone is innocent, he or she is usually found so during this part of the process. If someone makes it to Last Defense, usually this is the last ditch effort to fight for their innocence.

Marshall of the Guard - Commander of the Elite, the Council, and the Gate Guards. 

Staking or The Stake - Brutal form of execution where the condemned are stripped and bound to a large stake, their hands, and necks stretched and tied to the top, and the ankles and legs stretched and tied to the bottom. The stake is lifted up and then quickly thrown into a hole where it is tapped down. When the stake hits the hole usually the prisoner's neck, shoulders, and hips come out of their sockets. If lucky, it will break the neck immediately and kill the person. If not, they will leave them there until the prisoner dies in excruciating pain the entire time.


  1. Good morning all! Hope you have fun with today's contests. Wanted to mention that Starsight Vol. I is STILL listed for free over at Amazon today since we had such a late start yesterday. Make sure to get your copy for Kindle, your PC, or even your phone! One of the contest involves reading the first chapter of the book so good luck everyone!

  2. Hey Minnette~ *waves* Good Afternoon, as for the dicussion I think near the South Cove on Gorka looks pretty.. Of course then there's the mountains..

  3. Hi Minnette,
    I picked up your book for free today. Thank you for your genrosity!

    I think I would like to settle in Quitain. It's near the forests which I can use the roads to travel to other parts but also near the seas.

  4. Ah, born on an island, I'd want to live on the island of course.

  5. Good afternoon! How are you? Having a wonderful day? Hope so! :) Cool map! Im not sure which id like to live. Maybe the Isle of Mathisma? Ive always wanted to go to an island and this one looks great! :)

  6. I am loving the book and am so glad I won the first contest so I can get the second book LOL I would want to live on the Island of mathisma

  7. Since I'm a water baby, The Bay of Cela. Anywhere along the Bolken Sea works, but prefer the northern end as it gives me a choice of where to run if I need to escape/hide.

    (the other ejp)

  8. Sorry it took so long to get back here yesterday... I had a great discussion group with Mid-Willamette
    Romance Writers last night that went late... great group!

    Hi, Yami - South Cove is one of the nicer places to live and I think you'd like it!

    I'm so glad you got the book, Na! Quitain is very special in the books, but I won't tell you why, but I think you'd love the people there. And BTW, you won yesterday's prize! I sent you a note.

    Love those islands myself, Sheila! The Isle of Dru is especially cool and plays a large part in the second book...

    Good choice, Shadow - Mathisma is THE island in the first book and where the Starguiders learn their craft. That's the one I would pick too!

    Hi, Mel - I'll get the 2nd book over to you today since I couldn't get to it yesterday. I can't believe you finished the first one already! You're a machine! :o)

    Love the idea of the Bay... Definitely a coastal place and very beautiful.


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